The LDI Cell Imaging Facility


Mission Statement

The LDI Cell Imaging Facility is a fee-for-service facility located on the 4th and 5th floors of the E Pavilion of the Jewish General Hospital. Our mission is to provide expertise in confocal, live cell, and fluorescent microscopy to the researchers of the Lady Davis Institute as well as external academic and industry researchers in terms of experimental design, instrumentation, training, technical assistance, and scientific guidance.
LDI Cell Imaging Facility Overview

The Lady Davis Institute Cell Imaging Facility provides researchers with instrumentation, scientific expertise, and guidance. It consists of two confocal microscopes: a Quorum wave FX spinning disk (SD) confocal microscope and a Zeiss LSM800 laser scanning confocal microscope (LSM) and two widefield microscopes: a Leica DM LB2 widefield upright microscope and a Zeiss Axiovert 40 CFL widefield inverted microscope. One Volocity analysis station is also available.
Support research at the Lady Davis Institute - Jewish General Hospital