LDI Flow Cytometry Facility

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide complete flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting services in terms of experimental design, instrumentation, training, technical assistance and scientific guidance.
LDI Flow Cytometry Facility Overview
The fee-for-service Lady Davis Institute Flow Cytometry Facility provides researchers and clinicians with instrumentation, scientific expertise and guidance. It consists of two flow cytometer analyzers: a BD LSR Fortessa and a BD FACSCanto II) and a BSL 2 cell sorter (BD FACSAria Fusion). It is also equipped with an automated cell counter. The CellDrop FL cell counter (Denovix) allows accurate cell counting and cell size determination. Several flow cytometry data analysis stations are also available.
What is flow cytometry?

With an array of lasers, prisms, mirrors and filters, flow cytometry instruments enable us to look at several physical and fluorescent parameters of a single cell. These physical and fluorescent parameters can be analyzed simultaneously, and since flow cytometers can analyze hundreds of cells per second, large populations of cells can easily be quantitatively characterized. It is this parameter multiplexing capability that makes flow cytometry an extremely versatile and powerful tool for both researchers and clinicians. In addition, fluorescence activated cell sorters can physically separate these populations in different vessels or deposit single cells into a multiwell plate for cloning.
Support research at the Lady Davis Institute - Jewish General Hospital