About Stéphane Richard's Laboratory
Dr. Stéphane Richard, Ph.D., FRSQ Chercheur National, is a James McGill Professor of Medicine and Oncology at McGill University and An Associate Director of Research at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research of the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal.

Dr. Richard obtained his Ph.D. at McGill University in 1991 studying molecular neuroendrocrinology. He performed four years of half industrial/half academic post-doctoral studies at Pfizer Inc (Groton, CT) and Washington University (St. Louis, MO) with Drs. Patricia Connelly and Andrey S. Shaw, respectively. As a post-doctoral fellow, Dr. Richard studied the molecular mechanisms of cell signaling in normal and cancer cells. He started his independent career at Lady Davis Institute - McGill University in 1995.
Stéphane Richard is a scientific expert in molecular biology research in the fields of cancer and neuroscience. His research is aimed at understanding the roles of protein arginine methylation and RNA binding proteins in diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis. Dr. Richard's group is actively pursing the molecular roles of protein methylation and RNA binding proteins in epigenetics, RNA metabolism, and DNA damage signaling.

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