LDI Cell Imaging Facility Rules of Use 
1. Before being issued online booking access and using LDI Cell Imaging Facility instruments, ALL USERS MUST:
  • Be trained onsite by LDI Cell Imaging Facility staff. Users are not permitted to train other new users.
  • Duly complete and hand in a User Information Form.
  • Provide account information for billing purposes.

2. Users can only use instruments on which they have been trained.

3. Users will be charged for instrument login/logout time with a minimum charge of 15min for each booking.

4. If a user does not show up for time booked and did not cancel the booking within 24 hours of the start time, they will be charged for the entire booking.

5. After 5:00 PM, users must contact the next user. If the user cannot contact the next user, they must shut down the imaging system.

6. If users do not show up during the first half-hour of their booking, the instrument is considered to be available for others to use. As per statement 4, you will be billed!

7. Users will NOT be charged if the equipment is not functioning. Please inform local managers or the facility director immediately if there is a problem with the equipment.

8. Users will have their privileges revoked temporarily or permanently for any misconduct, equipment misuse, or non-standard manipulation; at the discretion of the LDI Cell Imaging Facility staff.

9. Booking priority will be given in the following order:
  • Local Users
  • McGill Users
  • Outside Users

10. The facility director or local managers reserve the right to make final decisions where there is a question of user priority.

11. The facility assumes no responsibility for data stored on the instrument computers. Data left on the computers for more than one month can be deleted without notice. NO CD-RW, DVD-RW, or USB portable drives are allowed on any Windows OS acquisition computers as they can carry viruses infecting the computers.

12. No third party software, drivers, nor plugins should be installed on the computer stations without prior approval of the facility manager.

13. When technical assistance is required, it will be by appointment only.

14. Samples at or above biohazard Level 2 are not allowed to be run at the LDI Cell Imaging Facility.

15. Users who use a microscope without booking it will be billed double for that session. Repeated offenses will result in the user having their privileges revoked as per statement 8.

Please acknowledge the LDI Cell Imaging Facility in any publications that include data acquired in the facility.

These rules are subject to change if deemed necessary
by the LDI Cell Imaging Facility staff. 
Support research at the Lady Davis Institute - Jewish General Hospital