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News and Events

Upcoming Seminars

Hear about the latest advancements in translational proteomics and metabolomics. From the molecular mechanisms of disease pathology to the latest technological developments in diagnostics and treatment.

Keynote Speaker
Christoph Borchers, PhD

Senior Investigator at the LDI, Director of the Segal Cancer Proteomics Centre at the JGH and full professor in the Gerald Bronfman Department of Oncology at McGill University.

To register, click here. Registration and attendance are free.

Advances in Proteomics and Metabolomics 2024

LDI Special Seminars

Single Cell and Spatial Technologies
Caroline Petersen

Science and Technology Adviser, 10X Genomics.

Hosted by: Patrick Lacasse, Sales Executive, 10X Genomic

Meeting ID: 890 2438 1807
Passcode: 723444

Centre for Clinical Epidemiology Seminar Series

Estimating the effect of herpes zoster vaccination on dementia risk: a target trial approach in US nursing homes
Kaley Hayes, PharmD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Health Services, Policy, and Practice, and Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Brown University School of Public Health.

Meeting ID: 823 1641 8063
Passcode: 076747

Psychosocial Research Rounds

Title to be announced
Ashley Wazana, MD

Principal Investigator and Director, Psychosocial aspects of disease Research Axis, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research; Director, Development Research in Environmental Adversity, Mental health, Biological vulnerability and Gender consortium (DREAM BIG); Director, Early Childhood Disorders psychiatric day hospital, Jewish General Hospital; Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University.

Meeting ID: 816 2411 5674
Passcode: 893871

Joint IRCM – LDI Basic and Clinical Oncology Seminar Series

Improving Outcomes in Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Through an Integrated Multi-Omic Functional Precision Oncology Approach
Lorenzo Ferri, MD, PhD
David S Mulder Chair in Surgery; Director, Division of Thoracic Surgery; Professor (with tenure), Departments of Surgery and Oncology, McGill University; Montreal General Hospital
Lactylation Status in Squamous Esophageal Carcinoma
Véronique Giroux, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Immunology and Cell Biology, Université de Sherbrooke Cancer Research Institute

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Clinical Epidemiology, McGill University.

Hosted by: Islam Elkholi

Meeting ID: 836 1113 9304
Passcode: 430881

Centre for Clinical Epidemiology Seminar Series

The beginning of a story about the X chromosome, X-inactivation, and rheumatoid arthritis
Celia Greenwood, PhD

Senior Investigator, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research; James McGill Professor, Departments of Oncology, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, and Human Genetics, McGill University.

Meeting ID: 890 2438 1807
Passcode: 723444

LDI and McGill Department of Microbiology and Immunology Joint Recruitment Seminar

Engineering mRNA Vaccine Immunity with LEGO-Like Protein Blocks
Zhenhao Fang, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Immunobiology and Genetics, Yale University.

Hosted by: The McGill Department of Microbiology and Immunology Selection Committee

Meeting ID: 822 1873 1622
Passcode: 634086

Joint Cancer – Molecular & Regenerative Medicine Axes Seminar

Cancer and Autoimmunity: Two Sides of the Same Coin? Shared Mechanisms and Clinical Implications
Robert Gniadecki, MD, PhD

Professor, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

Meeting ID: 890 2438 1807
Passcode: 723444

Centre for Clinical Epidemiology Seminar Series

Role of Endotrophin in Cardiometabolic Disease
Brent Richards, MD, MSc

Professor & William Dawson Scholar, Departments of Medicine, Human Genetics, and Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University; Senior Lecturer, King’s College London.

Meeting ID: 890 2438 1807
Passcode: 723444

LDI and McGill Department of Microbiology and Immunology Joint Recruitment Seminar

Leveraging Antibody-Dependent Antiviral Effector Cell Mechanisms
Kayla Holder, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Colorado School of Medicine – Denver.

Hosted by: The McGill Department of Microbiology and Immunology Selection Committee

Meeting ID: 812 9986 7905
Passcode: 385671

Joint Cancer – Molecular & Regenerative Medicine Axes Seminar

FMT and Beyond: Unlocking Gut Microbiome Therapeutics to Improve Response and Toxicity to Cancer Immunotherapy
Arielle Elkrief, MD, FRCPC

Clinician Scientist (CR-CHUM); Co-Director, CHUM Microbiome Centre; Assistant Professor, Hematology-Oncology, University of Montreal.

Hosted by: Sonia del Rincon

Meeting ID: 890 2438 1807
Passcode: 723444

Joint Cancer – Molecular & Regenerative Medicine Axes Seminar

Molecular Cross-Talk Between the ‘Seed’ and the ‘Soil’ During Breast Cancer Lung Metastasis
Alison Allan, PhD

Associate Vice-President (Research) and Professor of Oncology and Anatomy & Cell Biology, Western University, London, Ontario.

Hosted by: Michael Witcher

Meeting ID: 890 2438 1807
Passcode: 723444

Centre for Clinical Epidemiology Seminar Series

Title to be announced
Xiaojuan Li, PhD, MSPH

Assistant Professor of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, Harvard University.

Meeting ID: 890 2438 1807
Passcode: 723444

Joint Cancer-MRM Trainee Seminar Series

Title to be announced
Vincent Lacasse
PhD student, Laboratory of Christoph Borchers
Title to be announced
Vincenza Caruana
MSc student, Laboratory of Koren Mann

Hosted by: Sonia del Rincon (514) 340-8222 X 22246 / soniavictoria.delrincon@mcgill.ca; Stephanie Lehoux (514) 340-8222 X 25915 / stephanie.lehoux@mcgill.ca; Josie Ursini-Siegel (514) 340-8222 X 26557 / giuseppina.ursini-siegel@mcgill.ca

Meeting ID: 882 7599 5996
Passcode: 495038

Upcoming Seminars

Throughout the academic year, the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research (LDI) hosts weekly seminars featuring invited speakers who are international as well as local leaders in their respective fields. These include:

  • Centre for Clinical Epidemiology Seminar Series
  • LDI Distinguished Lecture Series
  • Joint Cancer – Molecular and Regenerative Medicine (MRM) Seminar Series
  • Rising Stars Seminar Series
  • LDI Special Seminars
  • LDI Trainee Seminars (open only to LDI researchers, trainees and staff)

The lectures are open to researchers, trainees, and staff of the LDI as well as to scientists and students of surrounding universities and institutions interested in learning about current research topics related to the LDI’s 4 research axes: Cancer, Clinical Epidemiology, Molecular and Regenerative Medicine (MRM), and Psychosocial Aspects of Disease.

All seminars are held in person from Noon to 1:00pm weekdays at the Bloomfield Lecture Hall (Room F-4) of the LDI (3999 Côte Ste-Catherine Road, Montreal, Quebec H3T 1E2). Lectures run approximately 45 mins with a short Q&A to follow. Registration is not required, but space is limited.